CMM Series Mobile Bolter
Mobile bolter is mechanized rapid support equipmentfor the continuous miner.
CMM Series Mobile Bolter Technical features:
1.Multiple independent drill arms operating in parallel for efficientroof and side wall support;
2.Flexibly adjustable drill arm orientation to meet the diversifiedrequirements for drill arm numbers and spacing;
3.Highly reliable crawler traveling mechanism with good adaptabilityto the roadway floor;
4. Cable winding device for automatic cable retracting and layingwhen the truck is moving;
5. Standard dry drilling dust collection device to purify the workingface environment and ensure personnel health.
CMM Series Mobile Bolter Technical features:
1.Multiple independent drill arms operating in parallel for efficientroof and side wall support;
2.Flexibly adjustable drill arm orientation to meet the diversifiedrequirements for drill arm numbers and spacing;
3.Highly reliable crawler traveling mechanism with good adaptabilityto the roadway floor;
4. Cable winding device for automatic cable retracting and layingwhen the truck is moving;
5. Standard dry drilling dust collection device to purify the workingface environment and ensure personnel health.